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Programul general "Solidaritatea si gestionarea fluxurilor migratorii". Fondul European de Integrare a resortisantilor tarilor terte. Proiect "Coordonarea nationala a actiunii de integrare a resortisantilor tarilor terte in Romania".

General Programme: "Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows". European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals.Project: "National coordination of the third country nationals integration in Romania"


Ce reprezinta CIS Pitesti?

Centrul de Informare a Strainilor Pitesti este un birou creat  pentru a-ti furniza informatii si pentru a te indruma, astfel incat sa te poti integra mai usor in comunitatea locala.
In cadrul acestui Birou te asteapta consilieri specializati, care iti pot explica drepturile pe care le ai si serviciile la care ai acces in Romania.

What MIC Pitesti represent?

The Migrant Information Center Pitesti is an  office that have been established to provide you with information and guidance so you can more easily get integrated into the local community.
Specialist counselors are here for you, able to explain your rights and the services you have access to in Romania.

Ce imi ofera CIS Pitesti?

In acest centru te asteapta consilieri prietenosi, cu expeienta in domeniul asistentei sociale, care iti vor raspunde la intrebari. Cu ei poti discuta despre situatia in care te afli si care sunt posibilele solutii la problemele pe care le intampini ca migrant in Romania. Tot de la ei vei primi informatiile de care ai nevoie pentru a putea face cele mai bune alegeri pentru tine.

What so the MIC Pitesti offer me?

In this Center you will find friendly counselors, with experience in social work who will answer your questions. You can talk to them about your situation and about the possible solutions to the issues you may face as a migrant in Romania. The counselors will also provide you with the information you need so that you can make the best choices for yourself.

Care sunt beneficiile unei vizite la CIS Pitesti?

Vizitand CIS Pitesti vei afla informatii din domenii de interes pentru tine si vei putea lua cele mai bune decizii cu privire la viata ta in comunitatea in care locuiesti.

- accesul la sistemul medical: vei afla cum poti avea acces la asistenta madicala, cum te poti inscrie la un medic de familie.
- accesul la educatie: vei afla cum poti obtine recunoasterea diplomelor si atestarea studiilor si a calificarilor din tara de origine. Vei afla ce trebuie sa faci pentru a-ti inscrie copiii la gradinita sau la scoala.
- accesul pe pita muncii: vei afla cum te poti angaja, cum poti urma cursuri de formare profesionala.
- conditiile in care poti beneficia de asistenta materiala, asistenta medicala si asistenta juridica daca esti in dificultate.
- accesul la serviciile sociale si la sistemul asigurarilor sociale: vei afla cum poti sa ai acces la sistemul de pensii si la sistemul national de asistenta sociala.

What are the benefits of a visit to MIC Pitesti?

By visiting MIC Pitesti you will learn information in domains of interest for you and you will be able to make the best decisions about your life in the community you live in.

- acces to the medical system: you will learn how to acces medical assistance and how to enroll with a family physician.
- acces to education: you will learn how to obtain recognition of your certificates and studies from your country of origin. You will learn what you need to do to enroll your children in kindergarten or school.
- aces to the labor market: you will learn hou to get a job, how to take vocational training.
- you will learn how to receive material, ,edical and legal assistance in case you are in difficulty.
- acces to social services and the social security system: you will learn how to get acces to the pensions system and the national social security system.


Va asteptam in B-dul Petrochimistilor, Nr. 23. Mai multe informatii, alaturi de o harta, gasiti la "Contact".

We are waiting for you in Petrochimistilor Boulevard No.23. More informations and an aditional map, you will find in "Contact" tab.

Emisiune "Viata in direct"